This is a collection of sound files in wav format that I think everyone chatting in AFA should have. If you're an AOL user you should already know that it's possible to play wav files in AOL chat rooms by typing "{s ", the name of the file without .wav extension, and optionally a closing "}" if you want to type anything else after that. Playing sound files can be entertaining for everyone except for two problems. The first is that you can only hear the wav files of others if you have the file in your AOL directory and vice versa. The second is that everyone who has AOL has a small number of generic wav files which suck and are sometimes played again and again by a few very immature people to get attention. It's no big deal for the rest of us to put them on ignore so that's the lesser of the two problems. Read more about proper chat room etiquette and the consequences for abusers in The Rules of Ask Female Anything. Without further ado, here are a few wav files I think everyone should have.
birthcontrol.wav (20k),
blah.wav (22k),
bornass.wav (141k),
frypan.wav (8k),
lesbo.wav (49k),
mansong.wav (1027k),
menohave.wav (59k),
newbie.wav (89k),
regsong.wav (168k),
thwap.wav (41k),
wavbeg.wav (50k),
womansong.wav (683k)
I was very surprised to learn that users of America Online and AOL Canada have different wav files for some of the same events and the AOL Canada wav files are MUCH better. Tired of that awful voice telling you "You have mail" or those stupid door creaking sounds? Download the Canadian version of these generic wav files. You'll be glad you did.
buddyin.wav (6k),
buddyout.wav (4k),
filedone.wav (6k),
goodbye.wav (4k),
gotmail.wav (7k),
welcome.wav (12k)
This web site is Copyright © 1999-2006 AskFemaleAnything. blah.wav is Copyright © 2000 Harvey Patterson. buddyin.wav, buddyout.wav, filedone.wav, goodbye.wav, gotmail.wav and welcome.wav are © America Online. All other wav files are © their respective owners.
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