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The Rules of Ask Female Anything

We're a friendly bunch of people at AFA. People who come to our room often keep coming back for years after they've run out of questions. Although the room is based on questions, the spirit of the room is that people from every point on the globe and from every walk of life can get together and chat and simply have a good time. Most people are initially drawn to the room because they don't have to be regulars to get the room's attention. We love meeting new people and treat everyone with respect until they prove themselves unworthy of it. Really, the only rule of Ask Female Anything is treat others as you would have them treat you. As obvious as that seems it's surprising how many people don't live up to that minimal expectation online. For the sake of clarity, I've decided to explain what exactly treating others as you would have them treat you means. I don't mean to suggest that we're demanding or that anything but a small minority of people are ever turned away, but we do have a few rules and it's best to obey them.

Be friendly. Be happy. Our shoulders are there if you need to cry but, if possible, please don't enter our room angry. Some people let off steam by lashing out at others on AOL because there are no consequences. This is an act of cowardice which ruins the online experience of others and doesn't truly make you feel any better. Ask Female Anything is a room for laughs and hugs and even tears, but for the most part try to enter our room with a smile and contribute to the positive atmosphere of the room. Be happy!

Don't come into our room looking for cyber sex. Ask Female Anything is not a cyber room. You'll find Jimmy Hoffa before you'll find a cyber partner in our room. We are not a pic room either and we get a clear picture of the lack of maturity of those who come to our room for the sole purpose of trading pics.

It's a common courtesy to say hello before asking questions. It's also been brought to my attention that it is a pet peeve of some of the ladies that many males greet only the women upon entering the room. There are men here, too. Why not say hi? Greeting only the ladies degrades them because it suggests that you are there to look for cyber or "pick up chicks" and are there for their bodies and not to ask questions because you respect their minds.

On that topic the women do not like to be referred to as broads or bitches (at least, not in reference to their gender). Also, many have expressed that it is inappropriate to use the "c-word" to refer to the female genitalia. Women are not objects and they are certainly not sex objects. The next time you're tempted to use any of those words remember that your mother is a female. If that doesn't mean anything to you try thinking of how your mother might react if she eard you saying those words. You probably have good reason to fear her if that is the case.

Don't tell us that the room sucks or that it's usually good but sucks today. The room capacity is only 23 so if the room sucks you are a major reason why. Either do something to improve the quality of the conversation or find another room. Why incur our wrath by complaining about it? It's not our job to entertain you so don't try to give us a guilt trip if we don't meet your expectations.

Don't IM us without our permission. We answer questions in the room. Most IMs are copied into the room so we can mock you. This is an actual Instant Message conversation which I copied to the room:

Htbright: you have a picture for me
Caziques: that's news to me
Htbright: come on send one over
Caziques: not likely
Htbright: im 19 and a freeky male
Caziques: what a coincidence. so am I
Htbright: bitch ass ni(censored by webmaster)
Caziques: you're the one who wanted a picture
Htbright: i thought you were a girl bitch
Caziques: too much work to check my profile?
Htbright: bye bitch

We all had a good laugh at his expense and he was embarassed out of the room. I will remove this log when I hear from Htbright's lawyers. Don't be the next to be featured here.

We don't answer anyone who types in all caps. It is considered yelling which is very rude. Using caps and/or underlines is said to be a sign of a small penis or a flat chest, neither of which you want yourself associated with. Having a small penis is twice as bad if you're a female. Also very small type, bright or very pale colors are hard for us to see and will likely result in a request that you choose a different color or find another room to blind. We're also not fans of room scrolling and macros that display ASCII images in the room. Don't even think about posting links to porn sites in our room. We get enough of those in our mail boxes.

No one will answer you if you're under 18 or act like you are. In fact, get out of our room. It is against the law to expose minors to sexually explicit conversations. It is a form or child abuse called verbal exhibitionism. No one wants to contribute or further contribute to the delinquincy of minors. Most people will use the ignore feature on minors, others may nuke them. Just a friendly warning.

The language of the room is English, we do not speak ebonics. This is not discrimination, it's about being able to understand each other. Ask Female Anything is open to men and women of all backgrounds and walks of life and does not discriminate based on race, nationality, religion, creed, sex or sexual orientation so long as we have the foggiest clue what you're saying. We are a multicultural group and prefer that race not be mentioned unnecessarily. And no, we don't care if you're a big black male or have a big black dick even if you have a pic to prove it. The net is vast and endless and provides enough fake penis pics of every color to endow every female in the world with an organ of her own. For the purpose of casual chat neither the women nor the men have any preference as to the race or penis size of anyone in the room.

If a question is abnormally stupid or over our heads don't expect an answer. It says Ask Female Anything, it doesn't say we have to answer. The only questions you may not ask are the truly tasteless and disgusting questions we get from time to time. I'll be the first to admit that we violate AOL's Terms Of Service with our chat, but mature adults occasionally throw off the shackles of censorship in an act of justifiable civil disobedience. Please respect AOL's TOS to the extent that you refrain from questions that are racist, sexist, revolting, refer to incest, rape, bestiality, necrophilia or are otherwise offensive.

Don't play a lot of stupid generic .wav files like those that come with AOL and Windows. It's bad enough that we have to hear them when we log on or have mail.

Women can ask questions and men can answer questions. The full name of the room is "Ask Female Anything, Women Can Ask, Men Can Answer And We Don't Have To Answer If We Don't Want To" but we shorten it to Ask Female Anything. That summarizes this section. Don't crap on the men if they answer a question that wasn't specifically directed at females. If you don't say it's for women only we don't assume that it is. Don't say "I thought this was Ask Female Anything" if the women ask a few questions of the men. They're very patient with you and deserve a turn.

From time to time a traumatic experience occurs in the life of one of our regulars and they feel that they cannot deal with the explicit nature of AFA. To me this is the cardinal rule of Ask Female Anything: If one of our regulars feels that they can't come to us we must go to them. One of us will make a private room and we'll all go and chat as friends and give you our support in an environment that doesn't have questions which may reopen the wounds. We are all here for one another.

Finally, it's already been stated but I will state it again: WE DO NOT HAVE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS. Don't make a big scene if no one answers your questions. We like civility in our room and whiners ruin that environment. We've found that the simplest and best solution is to put room disrupters on ignore rather than entertain them by fighting with them. If people stop talking to you that's probably what happened. See above for our policy on the special breed of room disrupters who use hatred and prejudice to ruin other people's online experience.

Yeah, I know it seems like there are an awful lot of "don't"s but, trust me, there are a lot more "do"s. Where else can you ask women questions like these and not get kicked in the groin?

That pretty much sums it up. If any regs have something to add just write to Thanks to everyone who helped in the making of these rules. Play nice everyone.

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