It all started with a room in Romance called Ask Me Anything. Sometime in or before May 1995 the women of the room created Ask Female Anything and it still exists today. At least one of the original creators of the room still visits us from time to time and her claim is verified by one of our regulars who has been with us since May 1995. Town Square's Ask Female Anything was also created some time in 1995. I'm not sure when but it was after the creation of Romance AFA.
I know that there are at least five rooms called Ask Female Anything or AskFemaleAnything (the precise name of the AOL versions is decided by whoever reopens the room after it disappears when it becomes empty during the wee hours of the night on some major holiday or because of an AOL chat room crash, but the URL is always the same). There is also a room in Romance called Ask Females Anything. I assume the success of the first AFA spawned the other rooms but a few may have been created by coincidence. I know at the very least that the original regs of Town Square - Ask Female Anything created the AFA on IRC. I know nothing about the age or origins of Special Interests - Ask Female Anything at this time. If any regs or former regs know anything about the other AFAs' origins I'd love to hear from you.
Ask Female Anything has apparently become so popular that it was mentioned in the September 1997 edition of MAD Magazine. Is this a ringing endorsement or what?! Read the article from MAD Magazine. By the way, the reference to AskFemaleAnything must be to one of the AOL AFAs and not the IRC or mIRC AFAs as Boris claims to have been interrupted by an IM (Instant Message), a feature that was unique to America Online at the time!
Each of the AFAs is so popular that the regulars of each room often have an annual AFA Party (or AFA Orgy in the case of AFA Special Interests) in which regs may fly all the way across the country to meet and enjoy each other's company. Not many chat rooms can say that!
I admit this isn't much of a chronology. I hope someone out there can help me out with the development of this section. Thanks to everyone who has helped me thus far.
To chat in any of the AFAs go to Chat in Ask Female Anything.
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