All About Me
Hey welcome to my webpage. Here's a little information to give you an inside look at who the hell your dealing with. The name is Doug. Ok the s/n might be MillerW360, but the name is still Doug. I'm single...ok divorced, alright twice, but they were both bitches. Well one was a bitch...the other was just a lesbian. (not that there's anything wrong with that) I'm 48 but I'm not old...ok somedays I'm old. Jeez. I have two sons that still live at home, sometimes. If their not out partying all nite, which happens occasionally, ok often, dammit every night if they can find a party. Luckily for me I'm not a light sleeper, ok bombs couldn't wake me up. My career? I don't have no career, I got a job...building America, well Michigan, ok a couple of counties in Michigan. If your ever in Michigan at a Star Theatre complex and the wall collapses, I wasn't there that day, I was on vacation. And if you have to go to the hospital and anything happens there, I was on vacation then too. And if you go know the story. Damn, I hope I enjoyed all those vacations.
Hobbies? Sure I got hobbies...I collect stuff and I make stuff and I do stuff. But I bet you knew that about me, eh?
If you want to find me online check in Romance - Ask Female Anything. I go there sometimes to ask questions. Nice questions, not the redundant ones that everyone gags when they see. If I'm not there I'm probaby reading my mail. Yes I read mail for 5 hours...what can I say, people like me, or they don't, or both...or maybe I'm just on too many lists.
This is Me
My Favorite Things
Fantasy Art
Opening Night at Places I've Built
Her eyes when she cums
My collections
My sons
Las Vegas
If you don't want to try to remember what you said to whom...try the truth.
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